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Aiming for Chinese Year of the Sale

By Juwai, 19 February 2013
Sydney Morning Herald

Home sellers throughoyt New South Wales are reworking their houses with feng shui in mind to help attract Chinese buyers.

Placing red doormats at the front door, changing street addresses with the number four, and placing winchimes around the home are just a few things that have helped Australian agents sell to Chinese buyers.

It is also noted that the Chinese community could be particularly active right now due to the Chinese New Year. Many Chinese believe the Chinese New Year is a particularly lucky time of year to buy property. 

Despite the sudden spike in activity, data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows that the increasing Chinese community in Australia has been an ongoing trend. In just this pasrt year, there were approximately 17,580 Chinese residents permanently settled in Auatralia, 11.4% higher than in 2011 and nearly 20% higher than in 2010.

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