Since its incorporation 2 years ago, Juwai has grown in leaps and bounds to reach 1.5 million users each month with 2.4 million real estate listings from 53 countries – thanks to the flood of Chinese investing in properties abroad, reports Tech in Asia (14 March 2014). According to Juwai, China has 63 million wealthy middle to upper-middle-class individuals who has the cash to invest in homes abroad, and the 5 favourite countries for Chinese homebuyers are the US, Australia, the UK, Canada and Germany. As the growing wealth in China burgeons, along with increasingly crowded living conditions and worsening pollution, emigration to another country with healthier air and wholesome lifestyle is becoming more and more attractive. Not only has this spiked home purchases abroad, it also inspired Juwai to revamp its iPhone app – adding an innovative feature that allows Juwai users the capability to find available properties nearby at anytime while travelling overseas.